We invite you to join us for the 9:00 Worship Service in the SanctuarySunday School Classes Available-Nursery-4th Grade-Middle School Equip (upstairs)-Gospel Project (adult)For more information about any of our ministries, contact the church office at 541-664-5576 or info@communitybible.us
We invite you to join us for the 10:45 Worship Service in the SanctuarySunday School Classes Available:-Nursery- 5 years-1st-4th grade (start in service then dismissed)-High School Equip (upstairs)-Sojourners (adult)For more information about any of our ministries, contact the church office at 541-664-5576 or info@communitybible.us
More Details:https://communitybible.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/2443440
Led by Vern Weaver No Charge For more information, Contact the Church Office: 541-664-5576 info@communitybible.us
We are welcoming new men to our Brothers Keepers group. Our group focuses on:AccountabilityBible Study
Quilting is a fun ministry of CBC for ladies of all ages and skill levels, working on personal projects as well as projects the benefit our CBC family and organizations within our community.Quilters meet in rooms 101 & 102For more information, contact the church office at 541-664-5576 or info@communitybible.us