

Easter Egg Hunt

CBC Park

For kids preschool through 4th grade. For more information, contact the Church Office: 541-664-5576

Hotdog Dinner

Please join us for a free hotdog dinner following the Easter Egg Hunt and then join us for our Worship Service. For more information, contact the Church Office: 541-664-5576

Sunday 1st Service

We invite you to join us for the 9:00 Worship Service in the SanctuarySunday School Classes Available-Nursery-4th Grade-C56/Fusion (5th-8th) grade-Gospel Project (adult)For more information about any of our ministries, contact […]

Sunday 2nd Service

We invite you to join us for the 10:45 Worship Service in the SanctuarySunday School Classes Available:-Nursery- 5 years-1st-4th grade (start in service then dismissed)-Rooted (high school)-Sojourners (adult)For more information […]

Ladies Café Connection

Crater Cafe, 327 E Pine St Suite A, Central Point, OR 97502, USA

This will be a time to build relationships with our Sisters in Christ and others in the community who happen to be in our vicinity.

Brothers Keepers

Conference Room

Lead by David Hooper

Men’s Bible Study

Room 203

Led by Vern Weaver No Charge For more information, Contact the Church Office: 541-664-5576

Ladie’s Bible Study

Room 101

Led by Marilyn WeaverFor more information, Contact the Church Office:

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