Did you know that January 17th is known as “Ditch New Year’s Resolution Day.” Maybe you have made it beyond that breaking point, or maybe you have bailed out on your resolutions already. Even though the time for New Year’s resolutions has passed, there is still time to commit to becoming a disciplined reader of Scripture. Don’t wait eleven months to make this commitment.
This weekend, we spoke about God’s Word (James mentions it six times in that passage, calling it the Word of truth, the Word of life, the law of liberty, and the perfect law in 1:18-27). It is—James says—the source of our ongoing salvation. With every passing year, I am more convinced that getting to know God intimately is the most important foundation of our Christian life, practice, and witness, and the primary means to accomplish that is through His revealed Word. In it, He has spoken to people so that they may know Him and His redemptive work through His Son, Jesus.
Don’t just choose a Bible reading plan and plow through, though (do that, but don’t do only that). Choose something that is realistic and allows you to soak in God’s goodness and character. Maybe you will read at a slower pace—great! Maybe you will read with a friend who will help you understand what is difficult—fantastic! Maybe you will concentrate on one section or genre repeatedly—you go! Do what works for you, but do something.
Attached are some articles that commend that practice and give some tools. There are also some Bible reading plans. Whatever you do, don’t read about reading your Bible, Read your Bible. Don’t settle for other people’s thoughts on Scripture, open it for yourself and dive in.
Will you commit yourself anew to reading His Word and communing with Him? Even if you haven’t started your “through the Bible in a year plan,” if you read all of Genesis today, you will be basically back on track!